Monday, March 12, 2007

the flu and cures

have been really ill last week so no posts really bad flu ,though could'nt cancel driving lesson (bastards) so have been dosed up on paracetomal.
found some herbal recipies and teas( and have some tips)that seem to alleviate the symtoms a little although rest and bed seem to be the only cure.i always find a really hot curry seems to do the trick our local is called the kushroom koly and its great for vege food they do this really good hydrebade hake/cod dish which we had on friday it is battered fish but it has a spicy batter i will try to find the recipe and experiment with it.last night i made a leek and lancashire cheese crumble with braised red cabbage with some leeks my brother brought me from his allotment
i sort of borrowed and adapted the recipe from "leiths vegetarian bible" i book i highly recommend if you are a vegertarian or grow lots of vegetables
  • leek crumble serves 2
  • 3 -4 leeks depending on size
  • 100grms good strong lancashire cheese/or stilton or cheddar
  • 1/2 pint bechamel/white sauce made with 2-1 ratio fat to flour and milk
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 teaspoon of english mustard powder
  • sea salt /black pepper /nutmeg
  • crumble topping
  • 120grms flour
  • 60grms butter
  • 1-2 tblsp. herbs sage ,parsley thyme etc.
  • 1 tabls. sesame seeds
  • braised red cabbage with apples and cloves
  • 1/2 red cabbage sliced thinly
  • 3 tablespons red wine vinegar/can use red wine or balsamic v.
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar
  • i apple cored and sliced
  • 1/2 tsp.cinnamon /3 whole cloves
  • 1 red/white onion sliced
  • 30 grms. butter
  • 1 clove garlic
  • sea salt/b.pepper

make red cabbge ,first toss all ingriedients together put in ovenproof dish dot with butter & wrap in foil .Bake in oven 150-180c/gas 3-4 for 1-2 hours stir after first hour to see if its done

Fry& soften leeks in pan (add a little water to stop burning ) add bechamel/cheese /salt/pepp/grating of nutmeg

make crumble topping

rub flour and butter together to a crumb add sesame seeds & herbs.Pour leek & sauce into oven proof dish top with crumble mix put in oven gas mark 180c/gas 6 for 20-30 mins

relax open wine


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